The picturesque village of Coulon, the Marais Poitevin, Niort, La Rochelle, Poitiers ...
Unmissable sites to discover from our hotel.

Built around an astonishing eleventh century church, Coulon is nestled in the meanders of the Sèvre Niortaise in the heart of one of the largest marshes in Europe, only a few kilometers from Niort ...

A former marine gulf, the Marais Poitevin covers 112 000 acres of canals running through beautifully preserved nature made of meadows lined with poplars and willows, romantic landscapes and picturesque villages: Coulon and the alleys of its old town, the Maison du Marais Poitevin and its dam-lock of the Sotterie; La Garette or Usseau with its roman church, its wash house and its beautiful renovated farmhouses.

In perfect harmony with this exceptional environment, you will be able to take a seat on board a traditional punt and glide ithrough this green cathedral.
Athletes will have the choice between navigating the 320 km of markedchannels by renting a canoe or explore the many bike trails.

Only 15 mn, the town of Niort "the floral city" and "the city of art and crafts" unveils beautiful ancient facades, an exceptional craftsmanship and a superb panorama over its roofs from the terrace of its keep, flagship monument of the town, the remains of the old fortress of the 12th century. Further afield, La Rochelle and Poitiers should be discovered ...